Friabili, dal sapore delicato e super golosi, i biscotti di pasta frolla montata senza burro hanno la consistenza dei frollini classici.

I biscotti di frolla montata senza burro sono perfetti per essere consumati a colazione o a merenda, magari serviti insieme ad un tè in compagnia delle amiche.
- 2 uova
- 160 g di zucchero
- 160 g olio di arachidi
- 320 g farina 00
- 1 limone
- 1 pizzico di sale
In a bowl, combine 2 eggs, the grated lemon zest, the sugar and a pinch of salt.
Mix with electric whips for a few minutes, add the oil and continue mixing.
Add the flour, always continuing to mix. When the mixture is well blended, put it in a pastry bag, line a dripping pan with baking paper and draw your biscuits in the desired shapes.
Bake at 180 ° celsius for about 12-14 minutes, then take them out of the oven and let them cool.
Meanwhile break the chocolate and melt it in a bain-marie. Turn until it has melted completely (a few minutes will be enough, periodically remove from the heat, avoiding the bain-marie from boiling)
Take the biscuit from the half that you do not want to cover with chocolate with your hands and dip the other half of the biscuit into melted chocolate, as if you would like to collect the chocolate on the biscuit.

Disponete tutti i biscotti appena glassati su una griglia o carta da forno ben distanziati tra loro.
Lasciate asciugare perfettamente i biscotti di frolla montata e cioccolato per 1 ora circa in un luogo asciutto e lontano da fonti di calore.